we want to build
a better world

Our projects


The CIECC – International Conference on Circular Economy in the Construction Sector, was born from the ReBuild 17 Project, with the aim of driving innovation in the valorization of construction waste.

We are proud to have collaborated intensively from the beginning: we created a distinctive visual identity for both editions and designed the website that reflects the essence of the event. We also developed all physical elements, from billboards to promotional material, with each element carefully designed by our design team. In addition, we managed social media, ensuring a dynamic online presence that highlights the vision and values behind the conference. In the previous edition, we were also responsible for capturing the entire experience through photographic and video reports, providing an engaging perspective to participants and the general public.

Photography and Video Marketing Digital Graphic Design Conferences Communication Circular Economy


The Center for Science and Textile Technology is a research unit of the School of Engineering at the University of Minho, engaging in research activities in the field of Fibrous Material Engineering and Design. We had the privilege of developing its visual identity as well as communication for the project, and we are currently collaborating with 2C2T on the development of the website and social media management.

Web Design Visual Design Graphic Design Communication Branding


Kuski is a brand from Givaware that believes good design helps build a more conscious and environmentally sustainable lifestyle. They aim to be part of a new generation that seeks to define a better future for the planet and humanity.

For this project, we had the privilege of developing the Visual Identity, including defining the brand name and its Communication. In addition to these services, we were responsible for creating the e-commerce website and the Packaging.

Website Visual Design Sustainable Packaging Graphic Design Communication Branding

Milk Fibre

The Milk Fibre project is a study with the aim of developing casein fiber from non-consumable milk derived from pastures in the Azores. Its main purpose is to use fibers from milk waste in various applications, including textiles, food, and more. This is a project with a pragmatic vision, where we developed the branding and communication, as well as produced materials for the Innovation Open Day, where the project results were presented.

Visual Design Innovation Open Days Graphic Design Communication Branding