we want to build
a better world

Our projects

Battery Cluster Portugal

Battery Cluster Portugal encourages R&D related to energy storage systems. We recognize the fundamental role of batteries in the transition to sustainable mobility, providing clean, accessible, and safe energy while also driving the circular economy.

In the project for Battery Cluster Portugal, we took on the responsibility of developing the naming as well as the brand identity, including institutional supports, newsletter templates, and produced an institutional video for the website banner. In addition to these services, we built the website itself to showcase the battery cluster’s services and to facilitate communication between members and management, as this website integrates with other platforms for scheduling meetings. This website also promotes news sharing to keep all cluster members informed about the latest developments.

Website Web Design Visual Design Communication Circular Economy Branding


WASTES: Solutions, Treatments, and Opportunities aims to bring together academics and industry experts from the Waste Management and Recycling sectors worldwide, offering cutting-edge knowledge and sharing experiences with all attendees. In this project, we had the opportunity to develop the rebranding and create the website, which aimed to communicate all the information related to the conference. Additionally, the website played a key role in paper submission and served as a platformforregistrations.

Website Web Design Visual Design Branding


The GreenWaste project aims to create a platform for different types of stakeholders, with a focus on the recovery and utilization of waste materials (rubber, plastic, among others), with the potential to be transformed into new value-added products for applications in various sectors. For this project, we developed the visual identity, communication materials for the two Innovation Open Days they organized, created supports for social media, and built the website, contributing to an effective online presence and communication.

Website Web Design Visual Design Marketing Digital Innovation Open Days Communication Branding

Kuski Store

Kuski is a brand from Givaware that believes good design helps build a more conscious and environmentally friendly lifestyle. They aim to be part of a new generation that seeks to define a better future for the planet and humanity. In addition to developing the Visual Identity and Communication for the project, we also created its e-commerce website. This website not only reflects the essence of the project but also provides an interactive and efficient platform for selling associated products.

Web Design E-commerce Communication Branding